In Karaim, the converb in -(V)p heads non-finite syntactically subordinate clauses and its subject generally corefers with the subject of the superordinate clause, i.e. it is same-subject converbs (SS-converbs). With converbs clauses headed by the converb in -(V)p, part-whole relations between the subject of the converbial clause and the subject of the superordinate clause also license SS-converbs. Possession is coded on the possessed subject.
See also Altai, Bashkir, Forest Enets, Khalkha Mongolian, Khanty (Eastern), Khanty (Northern), Kirghiz, Old Turkic, Shor, Tundra Enets, Tundra Nenets, Turkish, Tuvan (Altai), Tuvan (Jungar), Tuvan (Todža), Udmurt, Uyghur, Uzbek, Yukaghir (Kolyma), Yukaghir (Tundra).
Csató, Éva Ágnes. 2011. A typological coincidence: Word order properties in Trakai Karaim biblical translations, in Eser Erguvanlı Taylan & Bengisu Rona (eds), Puzzles of language: Essays in honour of Karl Zimmer, 169–186. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Csató, Éva Ágnes. 2012. Lithuanian Karaim / Litvanya Karaycas. Tehlikedeki diller dergisi / Journal of Endangered Languages, 1: 33-46.
Jankowski, Henryk. 2003. Position of Karaim among the Turkic languages. Studia Orientalica 95: 131–153.
Musaev, Kenesbay M. 2004. Sintaksis karaimskogo yaxyka [Syntax of Karaim]. Moscow: Gumanitariy.