On load, all records in the database are shown at once. The number of records shown is given in the top left of the interface, just above the filters.

To apply a filter, click on the collapsible menu you wish to expand and select a checkbox. Once a check box is selected, only records with that property will be shown.

For instance, if you click the checkbox for 'Aleut' in the 'Language/Genus' menu, then records from the Aleut language will be shown. If you click the checkbox for an additional language - such as Altai, records from that language will be added to that result set, such that only examples from Aleut and Altai are shown.

Similarly, if you wished to show only examples that involve agreement, you could check the 'Agreement in clausal domain', Agreement in nominal domain' and 'Switch-reference and agreement' boxes in the 'Syntactic relation' menu. This would have the effect of excluding all examples with switch-reference only from the result set.

For more on the terms used for individual filters see understanding records.